Johnstown Township Offices and Fire Department are located at 13641 South M-37 Highway, Battle Creek, Michigan 49017. Johnstown Township is a general law township in Barry County, Michigan with a population of 3,067 as of the 2000 census. The township was originally established in 1838 but the boundaries were revised in 1849. The total area is 36.6 square miles with 35.2 square miles in land and 1.4 square miles in water. The township (John's Town) was named in honor of John Mott, a Quaker preacher. There are 1909 real property parcels in the township with 1,765 of the total residential. State Highway M-37 runs the entire length of the Township. Johnstown Township is abundant with lakes including five larger lakes: Clear Lake, Bristol Lake, Long Lake, Mill Lake, and Fine Lake.